Enjoy all the benefits of thermal spring water!
We often hear about burn-out among executives, company directors or hospital staff, but I’m none of those things. I’m just a “technical expert” and I don’t have anyone to answer to.
In a difficult economic climate, my company, like many others, is struggling, and the pressure to meet targets is continuous and burdensome. Living in a constant state of urgency and performance, always pushing my limits… I’m starting to lose my footing and neglect my family life and everything that doesn’t involve my professional activity. The result: anxiety, insomnia, loss of efficiency and performance at work. Then one day I fell, literally and figuratively, with the feeling that nothing could hold me back.
The paramedic came to pick me up, in the middle of the street, and I was taken to the emergency room, only to be sent home with a course of psychotropic medication. After nearly 6 months off work and follow-up by a psychologist, I gradually got back on track.
I discovered the existence of an anti-burn-out spa treatment at Ussat-les-Bains in the Pyrenees at a wellness fair in Paris. Encouraged by the people around me and my doctor, I decided to give it a try. I contacted the spa by telephone, and they sent me a complete package of information to help me prepare for my stay. Thanks to my GP, who had written a prescription for the treatment, I was able to obtain health insurance cover for the cure.
So I decided to give it a try.