Rheumatology care
From the very first day, habits return… The staff are as attentive, patient and friendly as ever, guiding me from one treatment to the next. With my schedule, bathrobe and towels in hand, I begin to think only of myself.
I find the treatments my doctor had mentioned at the time of my prescription: jet showers, vaporarium, drink cure. My course of treatment lasts 2 hours, and in complete tranquillity I pass through the expert hands of physiotherapists for massages under thermal water and mobilization exercises in the pool.
I finish with the directed steam treatment, Ax-les-Thermes’ specialty, where I let myself be warmed up in a large armchair, a real relief for my aching joints.
ENT/respiratory tract care
Since this year, on the advice of my doctor, I have opted for a second ENT/respiratory tract orientation, which reduces, among other things, the recurrence of sinusitis and breathing difficulties.
I therefore have access to the floors reserved for ENT care. With my accessories, I start with a sinus wash, nasal bath with a pipette, humming and gargling.