Génat climbing site.
11 routes - 12 pitches - from 6c to 8b.
Most routes between 7a+ and 7c.
Heights from 8 to 45 meters - usually 1 pitch.
Some routes up to 5 pitches and 120m.
11 routes - 12 pitches - from 6c to 8b.
Most routes between 7a+ and 7c.
Heights from 8 to 45 meters - usually 1 pitch.
Some routes up to 5 pitches and 120m.
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Access to the site: From Niaux, head for the village of Génat (RD 508), cross the village and take the track past the farm (signposted no entry except for local residents). This track drops down onto the Tarascon slope and descends slightly over a distance of 500m. You reach a flat area with a lawn facing a fence.
Parking: park on this lawn.
Track access: Go through the gate and take a faint trace that crosses ferns to the left. Follow this track horizontally and diagonally to the left for...
Parking: park on this lawn.
Track access: Go through the gate and take a faint trace that crosses ferns to the left. Follow this track horizontally and diagonally to the left for...