From CM1 and CM2Program
Workshop n°1: Our Solar System +Martian crater making
1 – The Solar System: Using models and a multimedia projection on a giant screen, the animator presents the Solar System: characteristics, movements with simulation by the students. Outside, the students discover a 150m scale model of the Solar System. Along the way, the animator reveals the distances to each planet and the different units of distance. Explanation of the formation of the Solar System.
2 – Observation of the Sun (flares and spots) and Venus and the Moon if visible (depending on weather conditions) The opportunity to discover the star of the day, observe sunspots by projection and solar flares through a dedicated instrument.
With the observation of Venus, discover the cloudy atmosphere and understand that this planet presents several phases like the Moon.
3 – Martian craters : Make Martian craters. Understand how an impact crater is formed. The following will be used and supplied by “le ciel et vous”: Plaster + colorants + plywood + various impactors.
Workshop #2: Day, night and seasons + Sundial making
Preliminary animation with simulation on the theme of day, night and the Earth’s rotation.
1 – Students each make a sundial following the presenter’s explanations.
2 – Students test their sundials with a simulation exercise.
3 – The presenter explains how the sundial works, and the difference between sundial time and legal time.
4 – Following on from this, students are given an explanation of the seasons. To do this, the animator uses observations made previously at school, and a dedicated model showing the known differences between summer and winter. Students are invited to speculate on the cause of seasonal changes.
Workshop n°3: Hydro-pneumatic rockets workshop
Materials to be supplied: two empty soda water bottles per student (or sodas)
From two empty plastic bottles that have contained soft drinks (soda water, sodas…to be brought by students), students each make their own rocket.
On the program, cutting, folding and gluing. Once built, the rocket is painted according to individual taste. Finally, the most eagerly awaited moment: the launch. These rockets work on the action/reaction principle, explained simply to the students. A little water, muscular energy to send air under pressure, and the rocket is ready to take off.
5…4…3…2…1… Launch! The rocket reaches speeds of almost 180 km/h in the first few meters, and its flight can peak at almost 70m. The students collect their rocket and leave with an unforgettable souvenir: “doing science while having fun”.
Workshop 4: Our Earth-Moon System + making lunar craters
Using a variety of media (models and giant screen projection) and a role-playing situation for the students, and observations previously made at school, the presenter will help them understand the alternating phases of the Moon (the lunation). But also how eclipses of the Sun and Moon occur, and the Moon’s role in the tidal phenomenon.
Moon craters: Making lunar craters. Learn how an impact crater is formed. Plaster + grey cement + plywood + various impactors (provided by “le ciel et vous”)
Workshop n°5 : The universe : understanding the sky, sky maps and celestial watch
The sky map : This tool enables you to locate constellations in the sky above different horizons, based on the date and time. Following the guide’s explanations, each student builds a sky map and learns how to adjust it.
The celestial watch: it is to night what the sundial is to day, and each student builds their own and learns how to tell the time using the starry sky.
Multimedia projection on a giant screen! The starry sky throughout the year, how the stars work, the Universe.
Workshop #6: Astronomers’ instruments, light
From Galileo’s telescope to space telescopes or terrestrial giants this original and particularly visual workshop provides an understanding of the tools that have helped unlock the mysteries of the universe. Various experiments and multimedia projection on a giant screen: very astonishing!
Veillées : Soirée astronomie.
Guided by our astronomer mediator, your class will discover some aspects of the celestial vault of the moment, observe with the naked eye and with telescopes, discover the constellations of the moment with the help of a laser beam and understand many mysteries. If the sky is overcast, the evening scheduled for the first evening will be postponed until the following day. The evening generally begins at sunset
Exceptional location, in the Parc Naturel Régional des Pyrénées Ariégeoises, in the heart of the Montcalm Massif, at 1000 meters altitude, on the southern slope of the Vicdessos Valley, on the edge of the village of Suc.
80 beds (30 rooms from 2 to 6 beds) – dining room with terrace (breathtaking panorama) – 4 activity rooms with internet access – warm and friendly setting (relaxation area & video, library, fireplace corner) – large playground.

full-board accommodation from dinner on day 1 to lunch on the last day
activities mentioned above
1 astronomy evening
April to June and September and October
Price per person – based on 25 children
Child 161€ (under 12 years old)
Adult : 78 €
Office de Tourisme des Pyrénées Ariégeoises
La Résidence, 6 Avenue Théophile Delcassé
Gisèle Lacassin : 05 61 64 90 31 – groupes@pyrenees-ariegeoises.com