Association l'Ancienne Pharmacie

  • Associations
  • Cultural associations
1, Place Conti, 09400 Saurat
Please note that the nearest station is more than
To promote and develop living art in all its forms in the Saurat valley and the Ariège region.
The association L'Ancienne Pharmacie, based in Saurat, is named after a place well known to village elders.

Its vocation is to host live performances (music, theater, etc.) and contemporary visual arts, and to share them with as wide an audience as possible. Conviviality, etymologically "living with", drives the project.

We try to create contact between the works and the spectators through meetings with the artists, discussions and debates. We can also offer artists creative...


Association l'Ancienne Pharmacie
1, Place Conti, 09400 Saurat
Please note that the nearest station is more than
Contact Association l'Ancienne Pharmacie
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Updated on 03 January 2025 at 15:54
by Office de Tourisme des Pyrénées Ariégeoises
(Offer identifier : 6712797)
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